Thursday, September 4, 2008

Kensie or Kenzie

I have only owned my gorgeous new Kenzie dress for three days now and I have already gotten more compliments on it than I can count on my fingers and toes combined. And it is so unbelievably comfortable! I simply want to wear it every day. And just wait until people get a look at the Kenzie sweater that goes with it. Kensie clothing has so much feminine appeal and it’s always unique; it’s hard not to go a little crazy for it and try to buy a store completely out of their Kenzie clothing stock. I am still keeping my eyes peeled for that perfect pair of shoes and the right accessories to go with the dress, but until I find them, I think I’ll just indulge in more scrumptious Kenzie clothes. I think I’m going to need a second closet or more after they release next season’s clothing.